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  • 10/10/2024 15:50
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Join us on 15th October from 2 P.M. until 4 P.M. at Elit-S school to find our more about the achievmenets of our finalized KA2 Erasmus+ project and the launch of the new KA2 Erasmus+ project. Learn about the opportunities Erasmus+ programme provides for you!
  • 10/10/2024 15:42
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We are happy to announce that the first stage of our Erasmus+ project was successfully completed. The structured course Explore the World of Artificial Intelligence and CHAT GPT for Teachers took place in Split from 16th until 20th September 2024. Colleagues from Germany, Estonia, Lithuania and Bulgaria got together to acquire new knowledge and practical skills in utilizing the broad opportunities AI offers in education.
  • 12/10/2023 14:12
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We are happy and proud to announce the successful completion of our small-scale Erasmus+ project on 30th september 2023. We started this journey eighteen months ago withGondomar municipality, Porto, Portugal. Our collaboration led to highly satisfactory results. We designed two Tool-kits for mentors/trainers of adults 55+. In addition we initiated two more products, i.e. Exercise Notebooks to the tool-kits. We translated all the materials to the native languages of the partners. We feel fulfilled and content.
  • 22/08/2023 10:33
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members and non-members of Lozanov International Teacher Training Association will discuss the current development of Suggestopedia.
  • 19/03/2023 16:38
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The Tool-Kit will serve mentors and educators to provide training, guidance, counselling or mentoring, and will contain interactive exercises and teacher instructions and recommended procedures for working with the target group, including online based work.
  • 31/01/2023 13:13
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The Human Resources Development Centre, Sofia, Bulgaria, carried out a monitoring procedure on 9th December 2022 within the framework of our Erasmus+ project 2021-2-BG01-KA210-ADU-000048484, Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Adults 55+. We are happy to announce that the feedback from the monitoring experts is excellent.
  • 21/10/2022 10:42
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Key4OZ International Education Agency is based in Sydney that represents Australian educational institutions and provides free counseling to international students. Key4OZ was created and is operated by a team of young professionals with knowledge and experience of advising international students who wish to live, study and work in Australia. We represent Australian educational institutions and provide student counseling free of charge to everybody who would like to undertake their studies in Australia. We aim to provide informed services to assist and nurture overseas in their decision making processes to achieve their educational goals!
  • 18/10/2022 14:20
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"Елит-С" ви кани да се насладите на таланта си да творите! Предлагаме ви декупаж на тема Хелоуин. Ще украсим страховити маски за лице с мотиви на Хелоуин. Ще изработим настолна украса за празника в стъкленица. Ще практикуваме пряк декупаж със салфетки. Заповядайте!!! Ще получите удоволствие и самочувствие от резултата!!! Такса: 20 лв. Очакваме Ви на адрес: София, Младост 1, бл. 9, партер!!! За допълнителна информация, свържете се с нас на тел.: 0887 92 63 63, или на e-mail: elits99@abv.bg!!!
  • 18/10/2022 14:00
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Our #ErasmusDays conferences on 13th, 14th and 15th October, 12:00-15:00, provided useful information to our visitors as to how to make use of two tool-kits for adult educators who are willing to assist their trainees to restart their professional careers! The conferences were promotional events within the #ErasmusDays initiative which is held annually worldwide!
  • 01/08/2022 10:37
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Two partners from Bulgaria and Portugal launched a small-scale project in April 2022. We have united efforts in order to facilitate adults 55+ to search for new employment opportunities after COVID-19, or being redundant.